Now Offering beaded repair and reconstruction services in-store

About Andria

Born Andria Muñoz in Mesa, Arizona, Andria is the sole creative force behind Andria's Tienda. Her entrepreneur journey began in childhood, learning the art of jewelry making from her Abuelita. 

Growing up in a single-parent household, where her mom worked tirelessly to provide. It was in the nurturing hands of her Abuelita that Andria's love for jewelry making blossomed. Junior high afternoons were spent not just on homework, but also crafting beautiful jewelry pieces alongside her grandmother Martha.

As the years unfolded, Andria explored various jewelry techniques and materials, from hemp weaving to silversmithing, ceramics to leather. What started as a hobby, surprising friends and family with handmade treasures, gradually transformed into a full-blown passion.

Launching Andria's Tienda in 2019 had its challenges. It took six months to make her first sale, but Andria's determination kept her going. A breakthrough happened at the Mujeres Mercado in February 2019, where her first handmade creations sold out within the first hour. Since then, Andria has been a regular vendor, sharing her love-infused custom keychains and culturally inspired jewelry.

The journey wasn't easy, but after five years of constant marketing in the streets and balancing working part time, 2023 became a turning point. Andria took a leap of faith, going full time in her business. By September 2023, she achieved another milestone, opening her first brick-and-mortar store.

 What's next for Andria Munoz and her Tienda? Well by the end of 2023, she launched her first apparel collection and expanded her inventory to include Mexican-themed gifts, local Chicano artworks, and novelties.


Andria is also passionate about making a positive impact in her community by sharing her expertise in jewelry making with those eager to learn. Now settled into her new space, she's gearing up to host community events and workshops, offering guidance in jewelry-making skills. We promised the best is yet to come, and we invite you to join us along our journey, Orale!